Via IV Giugno, 39/C
47899 Serravalle
Repubblica di San Marino
COE SM 23384
Large organizations collect huge volumes of information from a variety of
sources – business transactions, customer databases, medical records, applications, social networks and much more. The limit after that is the organization, collection, access, sharing and speed of use of that information, especially when it is available in different formats.
Our consultancy focuses on analyzing the current operational performance and defining a strategy to achieve better results.
Our Big Data solution involves the following steps:
Preliminary analysis of the current conditions
We make an assessment of the existing procedures that manage and process data, to gather all the information useful to overcome critical issues and achieve the objectives.
Defining the big data roadmap
After having collected, processed and analysed the data to be included, the technologies to be implemented and the professionals to be involved and their sectors, we produce an operational document to achieve the expected goals.
Implementing the solution
After the initial planning stages, we proceed with the implementation of the software and of the big data analysis process, while we help the company acquire the necessary skills and train its staff to be ready for the implementation of the new solution.
Optimisation and support
The solution incvolves the collection of feedback, the optimisation of any critical point that is found, performance monitoring and support from our technical specialists.
Via IV Giugno, 39/C
47899 Serravalle
Repubblica di San Marino
COE SM 23384
+39 0541.1797309
© 2025 AC&D Solutions