Via IV Giugno, 39/C
47899 Serravalle
Repubblica di San Marino
COE SM 23384
The goal is to enhance the role of the Totem systems located in four main squares of Rimini, making them effective and strategic as key means of obtaining tourist and cultural information on the city.
To arouse new interest in those pre-existing systems, we have created a solution that aims at user involvement and interaction, exploiting the resources of ChatBot technologies for Customer Engagement.
At the heart of the project is the creation of a personalised avatar that, taking advantage of Chatbot technology, helps users find all the information they need about monuments and attractions to visit.
As a result of the Covid-19 emergency, the need arose to replace touch navigation with a front-end app, in order to avoid any contact with surfaces. The app is tightly integrated with the features of Dialog Flow and allows users to access the contents of the totem using their mobile device as a remote control.
In its entirety, the project will offer an effective tool to the Public Administration to collect data and information on smart users, and at the same time an innovative device to convey their tourism promotion activities for the city of Rimini.
Via IV Giugno, 39/C
47899 Serravalle
Repubblica di San Marino
COE SM 23384
+39 0541.1797309
© 2025 AC&D Solutions