Via IV Giugno, 39/C
47899 Serravalle
Repubblica di San Marino
COE SM 23384
Chatbots offer an opportunity to tell your brand’s story in an interactive and engaging way. Although they will be robots doing the talking, you will have the possibility to choose and customize a character for them, as well as the values and emotions you want them to convey.
The currently available chatbot systems are increasingly effective in their ability to understand the semantics of natural languages and to establish an automatic dialogue flow with human users. They are increasingly being used to manage interactions, especially in their initial stage when the most relevant information needs to be collected in order to provide correct and useful answers.
Increase customer engagement
Customize the user experience
Continuity of assistance
Integration of data collected by chatbots with other marketing strategies
Via IV Giugno, 39/C
47899 Serravalle
Repubblica di San Marino
COE SM 23384
+39 0541.1797309
© 2025 AC&D Solutions