Translating your ideas into          high-tech projects

We are the ideal technological partner to guide your company through the process of digital innovation to increase the performance of your business, thanks to our experience, products and technological skills.

AC&D Solutions caters to any company, both public and private, regardless of its size and the field in which it operates, with a special focus on Software engineering, Technology Innovation, AR, Data & Analytics, Infrastructure & Security, IoT and IT Consulting.

Our technical team is committed to developing projects and sharing ideas that accelerate the digital transformation process, thus generating competitive advantages for our customers. The synergy of the skills acquired during the years allows us to offer each customer a complete and customized proposal, also thanks to the relationships established over the years with our Partners.


The adoption of innovative and technological tools generates better results in terms of: improvement of processes, skills increase, refinement of models and data analysis.

Consumer and
Brand engagement

Security and Data Protection


App and
Software factory

Big Data

Expo Dubai 2020

The Dubai 2020 World Expo will see us involved as the lead company in the communication project for the pavilion of the Republic of San Marino both for the artistic direction and for the creation of digital and multimedia content on the subject: “Connecting minds, creating future”.


New technologies are revolutionizing
the travel industry.


Technology has changed our approach to travel, decisively influencing the way we choose our destinations, travel, experience our stay and return home.

Millennials in particular have a key role in this digitalization process, as they are familiar with new technologies and tools such as apps, social media and blogs that play a central role in the organization of a trip.


Smart Working,
the agile way of working.


The recent Corona virus pandemic has raised attention on Smart Working policies.

The flexible management of spaces and working hours supports the productivity growth of companies, while meeting the needs of employees.


Via IV Giugno, 39/C
47899 Serravalle
Repubblica di San Marino

COE SM 23384

+39 0541.1797309

© 2025  AC&D Solutions